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The Masterful Story of Huram-Abi. Who Does the King Say You Are?

Once upon a time in the land of Tyre, a city tucked on the Mediterranean Coast, there lived a craftsman named Huram-Abi. His king praised him as the man who ‘knew the construction business inside and out!’ So much so that he lend Huram-Abi to the wisest king that ever lived to build the mightiest temple that ever existed. The end.

Master your art like Huram-Abi

Before you crucify me for ending the story abruptly, how about rereading the story, but this time through my lenses?

It is unlike me to read a story twice. Especially when it is this short. But this one hit me right between the eyes forcing me to take a writing break to digest it.

The King’s Good Book

As you may already know, I have been ghostwriting since 2017 and training would-be entrepreneurs for close to 8 years. A fair number of folks in my network know and have tasted the goodness of my work. But at the mention of Huram-Abi’s name, I wonder if any of these folks tastebuds would recall my name if their friends needed any of the services I offer.

By the way, is this a personal worry, or am I in good company?

And just so you know, Hiram, the King of Tyre was not related to this Huram-Abi despite their names falling close. Neither was the craftsman a member of the king’s colony. He was one of the others; among the many subjects in Tyre.

What then did it take to have his name in the king’s good book?

And not just any part of the good book, but in the early pages. Under the ‘Most Sought-after. Have confidence in. This dude knows his thing.’ section. The most thumbed section of the book, such that instead of remaining on paper, he dominates the king’s prefrontal cortex.

Your Residence in their Mind?

What would it take you to dominate the space behind the foreheads of those you serve?

Imagine being that person who your boss, your governor, or better still your president calls when they need something in your trade done.

Social media presence aside, let’s step that thought a little deeper, shall we?

Imagine being the person they send to their allies whenever such need an expert in your field saying with all confidence, “Don’t sweat it, this fellow knows the business inside and out!”

That goes beyond modern-day expertise. That’s being the master of the game!

‘Customer Is King!’

Customer is king!

John Wannamaker, the American merchant who invented the price tag coined the phrase above saying, “When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is king.” He believed in the importance of customer service and would go to all lengths to ensure that the customer got what they wanted. How they wanted it. And when they wanted it.

Should I let that first marinate in your system?

So, leaning on that quote, anyone you serve is your customer. And in Wannamaker’s words, king. Whether you work in an office with several seniors above your head or run a business and you are the head, whoever receives your services, is king.

And now that you know, are you such an expert that those you serve cite your services whenever their allies need the kind of art you offer?

Are You Their Huram-Abi?

Regardless of how timid your trade seems, in your eyes, you can be that grandmaster other people want to work with. The Huram-Abi of your trade. You can become the go-to person. But it comes at a price.

A little more on this pro; Huram-Abi was the go-to person in the construction business. He was the master craftsman to who gold, silver, bronze, iron, and stone bowed.

But his game didn’t stop there. Purple, blue, fine linen, and crimson, the wondrous fabrics used to furnish temples worshipped him. He was also the expert engraver and competent to work out designs with artists and architects from all walks of life. Just the kind of guy you need in your team.

If the folks in your network, those you serve, were to write a recommendation about you, who would they say you are?

Master Your Art Like Huram-Abi

By the time I got to the end of the second chapter of 2 Chronicles, in the Bible, I had only one desire; to become the Huram-Abi of writing and entrepreneurship training. To master my art, so to speak.

I shut the good book and bowed my head to meet the questioning gaze of my kitchen’s pink ceramic tiles. No doubt I have been in my trade long enough. But I wonder if the people I have ghostwritten for and those I have trained think as masterfully of me, as King Hiram of Tyre thought of this humble subject.

The reason most entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs feel stuck has little to do with the money they make, though the large world thinks it is. They are baffled at their network’s failure to mention them in meetings they can’t attend. They wonder why their kings suggest total strangers when a service they offer is needed, while they believe they would do a better job.

Friend, becoming Huram-Abi has nothing to do with the family you were born into. Or your social media bragging. It is a marriage between the acts of the masterful craftsman and a scoop of John Wannamaker’s game.

So if you want the king to call your name at the mention of your trade, master your art.

7-point Summary of Becoming Your Own Huram-Abi

So you want the king to call your name at the mention of your trade?
Here is how.

1. Exploit the little you know with a touch of excellence

Do this whenever you have a chance to showcase whatever you are good at and do it well.

2. Never settle for your current level of expertise.

No matter how praiseworthy you think you are., keep learning.

3. Hold your customers in high esteem always.

And then serve them as such regardless of their status in society. They are your kings.

4. Readily accept your wrongs, no matter the level of nastiness.

And right them within the impactful period. Too long is too late.

5. Become daring, innovating around the suggestions of your customers

Then take advantage of those ideas that pop in at midnight, to make your kings more comfortable.

6. Speak well of the kings who refer you to their networks.

And when you serve them, leave them with a sweet taste in their mouths.

7. Refer your kings to your network.

It creates a beautiful circle of friendship. People trust people who trust them.

What other way would you suggest to help other readers become the Huram-Abi in their trades? Leave your comment below.

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