No Coffee Today?
It’s ok. Relax.
No hard feelings. I promise. You and I have come from rather too far to part over a cup of coffee. Don’t you think?
You see …
The sun does not shine the same way every day. So I understand that today isn’t a good day to share that coffee. But that you came this far, read my articles and even followed the donate button, I appreciate you.
Maybe Tomorrow…
Just because there’s No Coffee Today does not mean we walk away from each other. The wise king once said, ‘There is time for everything.’ So as long as the sun continues rising and setting, then one day the No Coffee Today will turn into a ‘Yes, let’s do that coffee right away!’
So don’t feel bad. It’s ok.
Oh, and you are always welcome here. Remember I write just for you. So I need you to come and pick your read as often as … twice a week?
Yes, that will be great!
And don’t forget…